Friday, April 4, 2014

The Ins and Out of Being Injured

1. Running is Life.
2. People with the ability to run deny that running is life.
3. These people complain about running.
4. Their complaints will make you miss it more.
5. The inability to run will make you less likely to do other types of workouts due to sheer laziness.
6. You scoff at any exercise that doesn't involve pounding feet on the pavement.
7. You can walk around campus in a walking boot for 6 weeks and some of your old friends/ acquaintances who haven't seen you in a while will still ask what happened to you.
8.  You will be called "Gimpy" and become the object of all your friend's jokes.
9.  They only joke because they love you.
10.  You hope.
11. The world's favorite question will be "When do you get out of the boot/off crutches/ cleared/ etc?"
13. Well it'll be like that, except you'll be cordial.  You won't yell.  (We hope).
14. And they only ask because they care...
15. Or maybe they just don't know what else to say.
16. Sometimes you walk by people and your boot is clicking on the ground really loudly and they turn to you and say "Jeez" really loud and you're like "YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW ME.  STOP JUDGING!"
17. Except you keep walking in the direction you were heading, because you'd beat them in a race any day of the week (even now probably).
18.  At least once a day, one of your friends/acquaintances complains that you're lucky to get out of working out/standing at long intervals/ etcetera.
19. You'd give anything to be them.
20.  You're starting to enjoy the consumption of vegetables.
21. Which makes you really realize that you need to be working out more, to get back to cinnamon bun love.
22. At least once a day, you ask yourself if your leg feels up to hitting the pavement yet.
23.  At least once a day, you remind yourself that doctor's visits really break up your day, so you begrudgingly skip the run…
24. You're still planning your race calendar for a few months out from now.
25.  You swear you're not in denial.
26.  But, you probably are.
27. But the doctor said you'd be clear well before the event, so you swear you're all good.
28.  Your friends shake their heads.
29.  But, as much as you love them, they're not runners.  They will never understand.
30.  When you're on crutches, some people assume you're a fragile little baby who can't do anything but sit in a recliner.
31. STAIRS PEOPLE.  There are times when they are unavoidable!  #crutchtalents101
31. The rest complain that you're too slow.
32. Hey, I'm pretty quick but I'm not an Olympic Level crutch user!
33. You remind yourself every day that you could have it a thousand times worse.
34. ACL Tears and Knee Surgery.
35. Bone Cancers.
36. The verdict that you will never run again.
37. I mean, I could go on forever, but I think you've got the drift.
38.  Every day you promise yourself you will never complain about running again, once you're cleared.
39. And for the record, every day you complain that you can't run.
40.  You receive zero sympathy.
41.  You probably deserve that.
42. For the record, you swear it wasn't running that got you injured in the first place!
43. Just the nordic skiing and the running in combat boots…
44. Every day is a countdown to losing the walking boot.
45. When the boot breaks, it takes you less than five minutes to find a friend willing to donate theirs.
46. The countdown to hitting the roads again began the first day you started experiencing pain.
47. Running IS LIFE.

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